Welcome to Crestwood School District's Online Pre-Enrollment
After revewing the proof of residency information, please scroll to the bottom of the page to start the pre-enrollment process.
The following information MUST BE UPLOADED by the parent/guardian at the time of pre-enrollment.
If the parent/guardian is living with a “host” family, the following applies:
- The “host” family needs to provide items listed under Proof of Residency listed below
- The parent/guardian needs to provide a Driver’s License/State ID and two current monthly bills (see Proof of Residency listed below)
Please provide ONE of the following forms of Identification:
- Driver's License (Showing parent/guardian name and address within district)
- State ID (Showing parent/guardian name and address within district)
- Passport (temporarily accepted until driver’s license or state ID is received)
- Other (contact the Board of Education for questions)
Proof of Residency
Four (4) current proofs, with the name and address of parent, legal guardian or host. If you receive your statements/bills online, you must print your most recent statement/bill and bring the printed copy with you to your appointment.
You must bring in an Orginal of One of the following:
- Showing parent/guardian name & address within district
- Copy to be retained by CSD
You must bring in Three Current* Orginals from the list below:
- Showing parent/guardian name & address within district
- Probate Court Guardianship Paper (If applicable)
- Gas and/or Electric Bill
- Current Bank Statement
- Cable and/or Satellite TV Bill
- Telephone Bill Landline/Cellular Plan
- Auto Insurance Policy or Bill
- Home Insurance Policy or Bill
- Payroll or Social Services Check
- Current Major Credit Card Statement
* A current bill covers a service period ending within 30 days of the date of registration
NOTE - Your landlord must fill out the Landlord Affidavit, and have it notarized with a raised seal and stamp.
- landlord's information
- beginning & ending dates
- ALL occupants in the household
PLEASE NOTE: Completing this on-line portion DOES NOT automatically enroll your child into school.
Once the pre-enrollment has been completed online, someone from the Board of Education will contact the parent/guardian to complete the enrollment process.